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Property Technology Smart Building Machine Room

01 Plant Rooms

Plants room or machine room has always been crucial in terms of operation within a property. Normal visitors will never step into these zones, however, the plant rooms are always working and functioning with unobtrusive efficiency. Therefore, maintenances and inspections are often required for these rooms.

Building patrol might not be able to fully secure and acknowledge the real-time situation but sensors monitoring could cater for this need without a large amount of manpower.

Applicable Sensor


Temperature Humidity

To acknowledge whether there is any machine overheat situations. Also to monitor and maintain a suitable humidity for facilities room such as Server and Data Centre 


Water Leakage

To acknowledge a water leakage incident remotely within 15-45 seconds



Transform local power analyser data to cloud with the features of instant SMS alert, generating report,

real-time monitoring etc.

02 Lobby / Clubhouse

No matter how large is a property, the lobby is always an essential area for different kinds of buildings. There are lots of spots that we could implement sensors to enhance the environment in terms of facilities safety, visitors' experience and more.

As the publics all have been through the pandemic days, all of us had drastically raised the awareness of health and personal wellness. IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) has been one of the indicators that people will look into, to see whether the area is safe and desirable to stay. 

The lobby is usually where the lift at, we always suggested the application of water leakage nearby the lift can avoid thousands and thousands of repair costs in case of water leakage. 

Property Technology Smart Building Lobby Air Quality
Property Technology Smart Building GymRoom

Applicable Sensor


Air Quality

The lobby and Gym-room should be the area where recorded the highest visits among all the common areas in a building. Our IAQ sensor detector can monitor multiples parameters to cater to clients' needs. 


Temperature Humidity

Temperature sensor can used to calibrate whether the chiller or aircon system is efficient, or are there any loss in terms of air-conditioning output


Water Leakage

By our on-site experience, lots of pump rooms or fire sprinkler rooms are located nearby the lobby. 
If there is water leakage, unfortunately, the lift machines are most likely damaged due to flooding and this might cost a great amount, as well as bringing inconvenience to the residents

Property Technology Smart Building Washroom

03 Washroom

In the era of digitalisation, it is not surprised to find IoT devices everywhere around us, including washrooms in a public areas like shopping malls or public washrooms in the city.

By introducing sensors into the washroom, we can transform it into a "Smart Washroom". Instead of a gimmicky title, a smart washroom could bring us enormous benefits. With different types of sensors, the Property Management Team can change the workflow of the cleaners from a regular basis to an on-demand basis. This could save up a lot of manpower to allocate to other tasks. 

Applicable Sensor


Temperature Humidity

To ensure a well experience for every users.


Water Leakage

To acknowledge a water leakage incident remotely within 15-45 seconds

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The proximity sensor can monitor and trigger an alert on the usage of toilet consumables such as Soap dispensers, Jumbo Roll, M-Fold Paper Towel, this could allow workers to refill only when they receive alerts.


Air Quality

The ammonia and PM2.5 sensor can detect whether the washroom air quality is good, bad, or severe. Also to detect whether smoking activities are found.

04 Trespassing Detection 

Security is one of the major service element of the Property Management team, enhance the current push-bar system alongside with our motion detection sensor. This could transform the push-bar system from local-only to a cloud-available devices.


With the integration, the in charge person can effortlessly receive SMS notification to acknowledge which area had been recorded trespassing activities, without staying in front of the control panel. 


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Applicable Sensor



Can detect human movement without worrying about any privacy issues. 

05 Lift Control Automation

Inside a city of fully-packed skyscrapers, the lift has always been one of the most important facilities to properties, no doubtfully it is a backbone of every single building. However, accessing the lift shafts represent the unavailability of lifts which will put every single visitor of the building at an inconvenience. 

Despite the regular maintenance of the lift itself, flooding is another major threat to the elevator system. There are often reports and incidents of recorded flooding found in the lift pit. If the lift cabin were flooded or damaged by the water, the maintenance cost could reach up to millions of HKD.


By deploying a water leakage sensor in the lift shaft and the roof of the lift cabin, as well as using a dry contact sensor to run a downlink command to the lift panel, the lift can be raised to a certain floor and locked, until the flooding at the bottom of the lift pit is solved. 


All these actions can be performed within your fingertips or even implement automation with it. 

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There are more to be explored!

Our sensors are made to be versatile, they can be easily installed on almost any surfaces. Contact our product specialist for demo showcase and more explanation

Lobby / Clubhouse
Trespassing Detection
Lift Control Automation
WhatsApp Image 2021-08-03 at
Contact Us

Tel: 2346 8728           



Unit 333A, 3/F, Core Building 2, 1 Science Park West Avenue,

Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin,

New Territories, Hong Kong

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